Make a Drop, Create a Wave of Hope. image

Make a Drop, Create a Wave of Hope.

Your Contribution Today Will Create Ripples of Change for Tomorrow

$84,403 raised

$120,000 goal

Choose your own amount

/ 150


Join the Ripple Effect. Every Donation Amplifies Our Mission, Reaching More Families in Need.

Be inspired by the growth of our Medical Clinic and the powerful effect of Earn While You Learn programs.

Hear how education, provision, and compassion for parents throughout pregnancy and beyond continue to strengthen families and our community.

Consider our mission of a healthy family for every child and know that your support provides opportunities for families to thrive.

This year, FOR THE FIRST TIME, the Gala will feature a giving tree. A participant can purchase the opportunity to select an unmarked envelope from the tree containing a “mystery” gift certificate or gift card equal to or greater than the value paid. Certificates can be for credit or merchandise…We already have acquired a donation of a signed Jordan Love Football for this opportunity!